GRUNDTVIG Sectoral Programme – Learning Partnerships
Lifelong Learning Programme project
The Face to success project is realized between 2012-2014 within the Lifelong Learning Programme - Grundtvig - Learning Partnerships in cooperation with organizations from Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, United Kingdom and Hungary.
Our project is looking for the answers for two main questions those of crucial to help to reach the successful life of Roma or migrant persons:
1. How can we use voluntary work to lead unemployed Roma or migrant persons toward labour market as well as to foster their social integration?
2. The preservation of their own culture is for or against the integration of the migrant and Roma people across Europe. We want to ensure the possibility for our learners, Roma and migrant unemployed voluntary workers, to get to know successful examples and share them in order to empower them.
All partner organizations are working with unemployed adults with migrant or Roma (like ethnic minority) background, and VOLUNTEERING is one of our basic tools
Volunteering provides the unemployed adults competencies and personal development needed to enter the labour market, and we want to exchange experience with this approach among the partners in order to develop its full potential. Besides by comparing the level of preservation of the original culture the learners will have a clearer view of their identity.
We are going to realize 72 mobilities within the cooperation of 6 countries. Topic-specific learners’ portfolios and Europass CVs will ensure the visibility and measurability of competency-development of our learners. The learners will adapt their knowledge via various local volunteer activities.
,,My song” means that all of the learners will choose a song that represents their life and we are going to use the songs like the communication channel among our mostly non English speaker learners.
The involved learners will have the opportunity to actively participate in a mutual learning process, and to increase their awareness of their possibilities as individual learners.
By volunteering on a local level, they will acquire and develop new skills in the field of nearly all key competences of lifelong learning.
We will also focus on the understanding of their identity, connection between their original (motherland or Roma) and majority cultural part.
The participants will sum their learning experiences into one Europass CV. It will serve as a proof or passing this training and gaining new skills and competences for their future employers. Besides a learning portfolio is going to be made before, during and after their international mobilities. It will serve - like a diary - to record the changement of their view, knowledge, competencies, attitude as our main questions regard.
The Romanian partner is the IKA Youth Association.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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